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Enga Province 2017 Election results

Here are the progressive election results for Enga Province. Only the candidates with highest votes are listed. Visit this page again for further updates and declaration announcements.

ENGA|Regional|Count 133
1. Sir Peter Ipatas  62,324(PNC)
2. J.Balakau 23,703
3. S.Talita 19,046
4. L.Lepatu 9,361
5. J.Mukin 8,457
ENGA| Kandep| Count 44

1. Alfred Manase 14,163, (PNC)
2. Don Polye 9708  (THE)
3. Jonathan M. Paraia 3602 (IND)

ENGA| Wabag Open|Count 52

1. Robert S Ganim(PNC)- 7988
2. Dr. Lino(Inp)- 6512
3. Pato Potane- 5881
4. Reuben Kandiu- 5710
5. Win Kambi- 4287


ENGA|Kombiam-Ambum| Count 50

1. John Pundari--15,322(PNC)
2. Chan evara - 4,636
3. Joe Naiyepe- 2,858
4. David Kalo - 2,530
5. Peter Yalos - 2, 473
ENGA|Porgera Laiagam |Count: 19

1. 5,347 WASA AMU (PNG National Party
2. 4500 TOMAIT KAPILI (United Resources Party)
3. 3,409 CHARLES K. BANNAH (People's Party)
4. 3,095 PHILIP KIKALA( People’s Labour Party)
5. 2,319 DIA FRANK KUTATO (Independent)

ENGA| Wapenmanda Open| Count: 22

1.Rimbink Pato (UP)-6697
2. Miki Kaeyok (PNC)-6512
3.Agustine Erepia (IND)-3212
4. Andui Koralyo (IND)-3090

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