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Enga Police meet warring tribes in Kandep, Enga Province

Kandep Road Construction
Enga Police are meeting with warring factions in Kandep District today, to discuss an end to the current tribal conflict.

The fight, which started after the 2012 National Elections, has so far claimed 60 lives and halted government services.

Enga Governor, Peter Ipatas, however, says the total death toll could be more than 100, as the killings are not being reported.

Mr. Ipatas confirms high-powered firearms are being used in the conflict.

The Governor says, he's handling the situation, beginning with the appointment of a new Acting District Administrator.

"He says the conflict has been left to go on for quite a long time.

"Ï think as a Governor I have also, it's not that I've failed but I have allowed for the District to try and manage its own affairs but now I realise that the things are still out of hand so we have now decided as a Provincial Government to intervene and bring normalcy back into the district.

Mr. Ipatas says he has spoken with Treasurer Don Polye, who's also the member Kandep, to join hands with him to deal with the situation.

However, there's been no response from him to date.

"I'm just hoping that the Treasurer comes good because, what will he do with the 10-million? We have to have peace for other services to be implemented," Mr. Ipatas said.

Governor Ipatas says he's also trying to seek audience with the Prime Minister to secure some funding assistance to deal with the situation. NBC

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