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Dr. Turia is new APEC EGILAT Chairperson

The Minister for Forests Hon. Douglas Tomuriesa, MP is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Ruth Turia as the new Chairperson of EGILAT (Experts Group on Illegal Logging and Associated Trade) of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). This is for the period 2016-2017.
EGILAT was set up in 2011 as APEC Ministers Responsible for Trade directed APEC officials to establish an experts group to promote trade in legally harvested forest products, combat illegal logging and associated trade, and build capacity.
Minister Tomuriesa’s announcement comes after Dr.Turia’s appointment was announced by APEC Secretariat, Singapore on December 20th, 2015.
In an email to representatives of the 21 APEC member economies, the APEC Secretariat informed that there was no objection to the nomination of Dr. Ruth Turia from Papua New Guinea for the new EGILAT Chair 2016-2017. Therefore, the nomination is deemed as supported by the consensus of our EGILAT members and Dr. Ruth Turia is elected as the EGILAT Chair for the period of 2016-2017. Congratulations Dr. Turia.”
Dr. Turia joins Mr. Clerance Hoot of the PNG Investment Promotion Authority, who is co-converner of the APEC Investment Experts Working Group; Mr. Kila Gulo who is the deputy convener of the Telecom Working Group and Dr. Billy Manoka who was the Chair of the Friend of the Chair -his term ended last year. Dr. Turia has a wealth of experience in the forestry sector spanning over 34 years in various forestry and forestry related capacities. Her exceptional knowledge on various local, regional and international policies, given her vast experiences participating in numerous regional and global processes places her in good stead for the role. 
She replaces Mr. Xia Jun of China whose term ended last year.
Dr.Turia’s current role includes:
• Engaging with national and international agencies and organizations on issues relating to forestry as well as general policy issues relating to natural resource management and climate change;
• Assessing and coordinating policy outcomes at national and international forums and advise of the implications to the PNG Forestry sector and how ways in which the sector could approach or address this implications for its benefit; and
• Develop projects for foreign aid funding and ensuring the smooth implementation of these projects.
Her notable achievements include: 
• Increased number of foreign aid projects over the last six (6) years; the notable one being the JICA Technical Cooperation, the EU/FAO NFI Project and the Australian Government Decision Support Project;
• Chaired a Committee to organize activities in commemorating the International Year of Forests in PNG, including a seminar held at the PNG University of Technology in 2011;
• Awarded the Forest Leadership Award by the Secretariat of the Pacific Communities (SPC) as part of the activities for the Pacific Region in commemoration of the International Year of Forests;
• Appointed as the Vice Chair for the Committee on Forest Industry in the 2012 International Tropical Timber Council held in Yokohama, Japan;
• Appointed as the Chair for the Committee on Forest Industry in the 2013 International Tropical Timber Council held in Libreville, Gabon;
• Part of the Expert Panel to the International Tropical Timber Organization from 2013-2015;
• The focal point for APFNet (Asia Pacific Network for Sustainable Forest Management & Rehabilitation). Through her leadership PNG was appointed co-chair of the recent APFNet Council meeting;
• Chaired the Task Force Group in finalizing the Ministerial Statement (Eda Statement) for the 3rd APEC Meeting of Ministers Responsible for Forestry (MMRF3) in October, 2015, Port Moresby, PNG; and 
• Assisted the Minister for Forest as Co-Chair and Chairs’ Assistant during the MMRF3 in October, 2015 in Port Moresby, PNG. 
EGILAT 9 will be the first meeting for Dr. Turia to chair. This will take place in Lima, Peru in February 2016.
APEC was established in 1989 in response to the growing interdependence among Asia-Pacific economies and to the need to advance Asia-Pacific dynamism and sense of community. APEC accepted Papua New Guinea in November 1993.

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