Minister Zeming condemns Opposition's move to oust PM O'Neill

“Every single time the Parliament sits, the Opposition say they will try a vote of no confidence, and every time they do this the Opposition are embarrassed,” Minister Zeming said. “This is a waste of time that could be used for the Parliament to discuss legislation that is needed for the nation. “Our National Parliament is not a place for Sam Basil to play foolish games. “He needs to learn some respect for our institutions such as the Parliament. “The people of Papua New Guinea, through their elected leaders, gave a clear mandate to Prime Minister Peter O’Neill to Govern this nation for five years. “Sam Basil and his Opposition Members will have their chance in 2017 if they want to try to change the Government. “For now they need to focus their efforts on presenting alternative policies for the nation.
“This mentality the Opposition has of desperately trying to bring down the elected Government every time the Parliament sits is a disgrace. “I cannot remember the last time Mr Basil presented a properly planned policy alternative. “What are his alternate policies on education, or on healthcare or law and order? “No one would know because we never hear anything substantial from Mr Basil, it is all just hot air and political games. “The people of Papua New Guinea have had enough of people trying to misuse the processes of our Parliament. “The O’Neill Government has an important Legislative agenda to work through in this sitting of the Parliament that will deliver services for the people of our nation. “I call on the Opposition to have more respect for the people of Papua New Guinea and
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