PNG NRI calls for applications for 2017 Research Cadetships

PNG NRI is Papua New Guinea’s leading think tank on public policy and development related issues. Our international and national researchers are experts in their fields. A Cadetship with PNG NRI provides you with the opportunity to work with and learn from these experts.
PNG NRI is committed to inquiring, informing and influencing. The Institute seeks to contribute to shaping Papua New Guinea’s future through conducting cutting-edge policy research, the facilitation of public dialogue, and influencing decision making.
The Institute is now seeking applications from recent university graduates with first and honours degrees to become public policy research cadets. The cadetship will provide you with the opportunity for further learning about research methods and writing for public policy, the opportunity to conduct your own research with the support of a mentor at PNG NRI, and the opportunity to work in the field and contribute to real research projects. Download >> Application Forms
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