Works Minister Awesa slams Kandep MP Don Polye for misleading information
Mr Awesa said the Opposition Leader should not play politics with road infrastructure, as it is the O’Neill Government that has delivered more and better roads than any Government in the past, including in the Kandep District.
“Regardless of the Member’s false and hollow claims, there is a substantial National Government road sealing program underway in Kandep, as there is around the nation.
"Our Government has been undertaking one of the most intensive road building and rehabilitations programs in our history.
"In Kandep alone, this includes the Upgrading and sealing of the Mendi-Kandep which was completed in 2015 and Laiagam to Pogera Road section being upgraded of 110km under the Asian Development Bank Tranche 1 to base level at the cost of K330m in 2015. We just completed the final 11.2km section in the from Niung junction to Pangu at K21.9million of the Liagam-Kandep road section.
“At the same time the Wasa bridge Mr. Polye talks about, will not go ahead because it is a bridge to nowhere through two hundred meters of thick swamp.
“As a former Works Minister and engineer, I would expect Mr. Polye to have a better understanding of the physics of building in swampland. “K17M already been spent on feasibility and analysis for this bridge at Mr. Polye’s request. This is now wasted money, and I call on Mr. Polye to face reality with regards to this project.”
“I also do not know where the Member is getting his figure of K40 for the rehabilitation of Laiagam-Kandep Road. There was nothing on the budget for this year’s budget.
“This amount has never been allocated, so I urge Mr. Polye to go and check his facts.
“Recently Mr. Polye pleaded with his people, blaming the national Government, and claiming decisions made in road projects in Kandep were delivered by this government.
“His decisions that led to attempts to build an unfeasible swamp bridge are examples of his failed leadership and a total let down to the people of Kandep.
“His misleading the people of Kandep over infrastructure projects he claimed to be delivered under his leadership.
“Lets just all get on with the job of governing and delivering services and infrastructure for our people, and put the petty politics aside.
“The National Election is only a few short months away, and Mr. Polye will have ample time for campaigning when this campaign period actually begins.”
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