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Polye : Namah still part of Opposition

NEW Opposition leader and Kandep MP Don Polye yesterday explained that former Opposition leader Belden Namah is still an integral member of the Opposition team.

Mr Polye brushed aside media reports that Mr Namah was dumped or overthrown.

He said the caucus held by the Opposition team to appoint him was a normal procedure in any democracy and Westminster system of government.

Mr Polye said it was the prerogative of the Speaker of parliament to grant such leadership changes.

"I would like to make it clear to everyone that Belden Namah is still a strategic member of the Opposition.

"There is no sinister motive or agenda behind the new appointment of me as the Opposition Leader," Mr Polye told reporters at Parliament yesterday.

Mr Polye was with Deputy Oppostion Leader Sam Basil, Kikori MP Mark Maipakai and Goroka Governor Julie Soso.

Mr Polye said he would still pursue the issues Mr Namah had pursued and fight for in parliament and in court.

He said on the legal cases the former Opposition leader pursued such as the asylum seeker case and the 30 day grace period, he would have to consult the lawyers taking carriage of the matters and understand the kind of relief sought and pursue the matter.

"Nothing has changed, the Opposition staff and team will continue to operate as usual and fight even harder to rid corruption in the Government.

Deputy leader Mr Basil said the paramount focus of the Opposition is to rid the ongoing corruption in the O’Neill-Dion Government.

He said the Opposition believes that the economic mismanagement by the Government would affect the future progress of the country.

He said the Opposition was fighting hard for the people to rid the ongoing corruption in the Government and called on the people to support the move.

Mr Basil also called on members of parliament in the middle-bench and others that wanted to join the Opposition should do so to protect the county. PNG Today/PostCourier

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