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University of Goroka suspends classes

The University of Goroka (UOG) has suspended classes for two weeks after the clash among students at the University on Tuesday.

Concerned provincial government in the Momase region have taken the responsibility to evacuate their students to their respective provinces due to the suspension.

Morobe Governor Kelly Naru hired six buses while the UOG management has hired three buses for the students of Lae residents especially East Sepik province students that were residing in Lae and studying at the University.

The Madang Provincial government also organized four buses for Madang students including the East Sepik students based in Madang.

Meanwhile the East Sepik residential students are yet to confirm their travel. This may include more students from other provinces vacating the university.

Students have started departing the campus since 5 am this morning, whilst the Morobe Provincial government has sent mobile squad 15 from Bulolo to escort the students’ home.

Student Ethnic group fight each other

THE Eastern Highlands capital Goroka came to a standstill yesterday after more than 20 students from the University of Goroka were wounded in an early dawn clash between two students’ factions.

Police said two groups of students were engaged in a skirmish at around 6am at the North Goroka campus.

Students from the upper highlands -Western Highlands and Enga Provinces - agreed to support their colleagues at UPNG and the University of Technology in the current protest against the Government while Eastern Highlands and Chimbu students opted to return to class.

The controversy has triggered a violent clash between the two groups of students.

Sticks, stones and knives were used in the fight leaving more than 20 students injured on either sides of the battlefield. Several buildings and vehicles at the campus were destroyed by the violent parties, according to police.

Provincial health authority chairman Joshua Soso told NBC Goroka yesterday afternoon that between 20 and 30 students were wounded, mainly head and shoulder wounds, in the clash and were undergoing medical treatment at the Goroka General Hospital.

As the university vehicles were rushing the injured students to the hospital opportunists and hooligans mobilised and went on a rampage at the Goroka market forcing the vendors to flee in all directions.

Post Courier / PNG Today

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