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Haiveta to Marape: Address the Nation’s Concerns or Step Down

 Gulf Province Governor  Chris Haiveta has issued a strong statement in response to recent remarks by Prime Minister Hon. James Marape, accusing the Prime Minister of evading critical issues raised by the Opposition. In his statement, released on Monday, August 19, 2024, Haiveta expressed disappointment that Marape acknowledged his decision to join the Opposition but failed to address the pressing concerns he had brought to light.

Governor Haiveta highlighted several key issues that he believes have been neglected by Marape’s government, including the lack of accountability for K10.1 million allocated for COVID-19 vaccines and the whereabouts of K6.7 billion in COVID-19 funds. He also questioned the delays in major projects such as the Papua LNG, noting the absence of clear explanations or timelines. Haiveta emphasized that these are not abstract concerns but matters with direct implications for the people of Papua New Guinea.

In his statement, Haiveta criticized Marape for what he described as a pattern of deflection and avoidance, accusing the Prime Minister of failing to take responsibility for his administration's shortcomings. He argued that his departure from the government was a principled decision based on these failures, rather than an act of political ambition, as suggested by Marape.

Haiveta also addressed comments made by the Prime Minister regarding his reasons for leaving the government, calling them misleading and dismissive. He reiterated that his decision was driven by Marape’s disregard for transparency, accountability, and equitable governance. He pointed to the illegal transfer of K20 million intended for Gulf landowners as an example of the financial mismanagement under Marape’s leadership.

The Governor further dismissed Marape’s attempt to downplay his role in the formation of the government, stating that while his loyalty to Pangu Pati remains strong, his primary commitment is to the people of Papua New Guinea. Haiveta made it clear that he believes Marape’s leadership no longer serves the nation’s best interests.

 Governor Haiveta urged the Prime Minister to provide answers to the critical questions raised and to demonstrate the leadership that the country needs. He also called on his colleagues in the Government to join him in holding the Marape administration accountable, warning that the Prime Minister’s hold on power is becoming increasingly tenuous.

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Papua New Guinea Government Fails to Achieve Economic Stability, says Deputy Opposition Leade

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