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China is providing more aid to Papua New Guinea.

Today, PNG and the People's Republic of China signed agreements on economic and technical cooperation, worth 23 million Kina.

Acting Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Lucy Bogari, and Vice Minister of the Chinese Ministry of Commerce, Zhong Shan, officiated at the signing ceremony in Port Moresby.

Prime Minister, Peter O'Neill, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Rimbink Pato and National Planning's Charles Abel with members of Mr. Zhong's delegation and China's Ambassador to PNG, Qiu Bhoua, witnessed the occasion.

Under the Chinese Grant-In-Aid of Economic and Technical Cooperation Agreement, 70 million Chinese Renminbi Yuan or approximately 23 million Kina is provided.

This will be used for developmental purposes to improve people's lives.

The grant will be expended for the construction of the School of Excellency in Prime Minister Peter O'Neill's Ialibu Pangia electorate in Southern Highlands province.

In addition to the signing of the agreement, Ambassador Bogari also signed the exchange of letters relating to the provision of equipments for the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary and Phase 2 of the Mt. Hagen Agricultural Technical Cooperation project worth 10 million Renminbi Yuan or 3.3 million Kina.

Ambassador Bogari expressed her appreciation, on behalf of the government and people of Papua New Guinea, for the assistance by the government of the People's Republic of China.

She says, China's continued assistance has contributed to PNG achieving its development goals and aspirations.

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