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India army shot dead one Pakistani soldier

Indian soldiers near the Line of Control in Kashmir on 15/1/13Both Pakistan and India, with troops on either side of the Line of Control in Kashmir, deny provoking recent clashes

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Pakistan's military has accused the Indian army of killing one of its soldiers with "unprovoked firing" across the disputed Kashmir border.
A military statement said the "ceasefire violation" occurred along the Line of Control (LoC) in Hot Spring and Jandrot sectors.
India has not yet responded.
Tensions have risen following deadly exchanges along the border last week, in which two Indian soldiers and two Pakistani soldiers died.
The violence has plunged the neighbours into the worst crisis in relations since the Mumbai attacks of 2008, which were blamed on militants based in Pakistan. Both sides deny provoking last week's clashes.
'Barbaric act'
Earlier on Tuesday, Indian PM Manmohan Singh said the killings of the Indian soldiers last week - one of whom India says was beheaded - was "unacceptable".

"After this barbaric act, there cannot be business as usual with Pakistan," he said. "I hope Pakistan realises this. I hope Pakistan will bring the perpetrators to book."
A day earlier, Indian army chief Gen Bikram Singh accused Pakistan of "pre-meditated, pre-planned activity", and urged Indian troops to be "aggressive and offensive in the face of provocation and fire" from Pakistan.
But despite Indian accusations that Pakistan is in breach of ceasefire accords, two Indian newspapers have suggested the reverse may be true.
The reports last week said Indian commanders might have precipitated the clashes by ordering new observation posts on the LoC after a 70-year-old woman crossed it unhindered last year.
The Indian army has denied any provocative actions but said there had been "routine maintenance of fortifications".
India was set to begin a landmark visa-on-arrival deal for Pakistani senior citizens at the Wagah crossing, but this has been put on hold.
Both countries have also summoned each other's envoys to protest about the killings of the soldiers.
Officials from both countries held a meeting at the border on Monday aimed at reducing tensions. Neither side have commented on the talks.
Claimed by both countries, Kashmir has been a flashpoint for over 60 years and two wars have been fought over it. Exchanges in the disputed area are not uncommon but rarely result in fatalities.

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