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Prisoner:William Kapris
An inmate has been stabbed to death at the Bomana prison, allegedly by Papua New Guinea's million Kina state prisoner, William Kapris, raising grave concern over lapse in prison security.

Correctional Service officers confirmed the stabbing death to N-B-C News today, saying the situation at Bomana is still very tense, while Kapris and his accomplices, have been moved to the Maximum Security Facility.

Kapris and two other prisoners face possible murder charges, following the fatal stabbing of prisoner Shane Aitsi last Friday.

Three brand-new hunting knives, believed to be the murder weapons, have been confiscated from Kapris and his accomplices.

Speaking under conditions of anonymity, the Correctional Service Officer says, this happened during the prisoners sports day on Friday.

Aitsi died at the Port Moresby General Hospital from loss of blood.

Circumstances surrounding the stabbing are still sketchy, but CS officers say they believe it is connected to ethnic groupings protecting their friends from being bullied and sodomized by other groups.

The alleged stabbing by Kapris may be retaliation to allegations of the deceased protecting his friends from being sodomized by an accomplice of Kapris John Siko Wel.

The allegations if proven would reflect badly on Kapris who is serving a 30-year prison sentence for the 2008 Madang bank robbery, while also on trial for the Kerema bank robbery.

A concerned CS officer told NBC News that in his more than twenty years in the service, prison murders have never been properly investigated, and prosecuted, raising fears that the murder case may be scrapped along the way.

The situation at Bomana is still very tense, with the prisoners denied their lunch. Repeated calls to both the CS Commissioner Martin Balthazer and Kapris' lawyer have turned out unsuccessful. NBC

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