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Chinese nationals killed in Port Moresby

Koki, Port Moresby
New information coming in seem to clash with the earlier reports from the police regarding the gruesome murder of four expatriates in Port Moresby.

Police Chief of Operations, Perou N'Dranou, had earlier reported that two children were among those murdered last night.

However, a representative from the Chinese embassy, Charlie Chou, informed NBC News a while ago, that four people all in their 50s were killed.

Forensic police at the scene, say they were slashed to death with bush knives at around eight-forty pee-em last night.

The dead include the couple, who operate the Poomo Industry (PNG) Limited, and two of their employees also of Chinese nationality.

Another Chinese, believed to be the younger brother of the owner of the shop survived the attack, and alerted the locals working in the Bakery Section, who then chased off the suspects.

He's now helping police in the investigations, as he recognized one of the suspects.

The reason for the killing is not yet known at this stage, and police are treating the matter, as 'Robbery gone wrong'.

The locals who work at the Bakery have been taken to the police station for interview.

Police Forensics Science were at the scene this morning carrying out criminal investigations, especially for clues into the killings.

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