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A private firm takes PNGDF to court. Getty Images
A private security firm in Port Moresby, is taking court action against certain soldiers believed to be from the Goldie Army Barracks, outside Port Moresby city, for allegedly assaulting one of its guards, at the weekend.

It is understood that the soldiers stormed the Pacific Corporate Security base at six-mile suburb, attacking the lone security officer on Saturday night.

The attack is understood to be in retaliation over the detaining of a soldier, caught by the security firm guards, for an alleged break-and-enter incident at a nightclub in Port Moresby, the previous weekend.

Managing Director of the Security firm, John Kaupa, says internal investigations have been completed and his company has engaged a lawyer to file court proceedings.

"Our lawyer is filing a civil case on this. 

"He's also working on the internal reports,.

"He got some photographs and stuff already, so as soon as we have the reports done, so I'm looking forward him to be engaged tomorrow to work on it straight away," Mr. Kaupa said.

Meanwhile, both the Police and Defence Force Hierarchies, have ordered investigations into the whole incident.

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