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Police must obey Commissioner's orders : Jim Andrews

Jim Andrews calls on Police to obey orders
Police will take swift action against its own members, if they disobey orders of the Commissioner, Geoffrey Vaki.

Acting Deputy Commissioner Operations, Jimmy Andrews in a media statement said, Mr Vaki is appointed by a lawful and legitimate government authority.

Whilst dispelling rum ours of a split within the force, Mr Andrews said, the Constabulary is intact and ready to move forward.

And, that is to create a conducive climate for business and investment.

He warned officers found to be abusing their positions for political gain, of being

Meantime, acting Deputy Commissioner, Jim Andrews said, all members of the Papua New Guinea Royal Constabulary, will serve the office of the Commissioner and government, with loyalty and dedication.

Mr. Andrews said, they will do this despite growing media sentiments, brought on by the Paraka saga.

Deputy Commissioner Andrews also say Non Government Organization Groups and people at the helm of the recently organized protests were supported by political activists who want to overthrow the government.

He said the country for a long time enjoyed steady growth and stability within the resource and investment sectors and police will not watch mindless political activists cause instability.

Andrews also issued a stern warning to all members of the force no to be influenced by people with political agendas.

He said to many power struggles has cause damage to the nations growth and advancement.

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