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Lack of accessibility is a challenge for persons with disabilities

Accessing quality education and proper employment opportunities is still a challenge for youths with disabilities in the Pacific. While the protection and promotion of disability rights and interest for persons with disabilities in the Pacific is progressing, there is still more that needs to be done to ensure that youths with disabilities in the Pacific have full access to education and employment opportunities.

Naunau O’E Alamaite Tonga Association (NATA) youth President Ms. Ana Pela Talakai said, that more needs to be done to ensure full access to education for persons with disabilities in Tonga. In her presentation at the Pacific Youth Conference on Disability, Talakai said despite the existence of three disability schools in Tonga, challenges remains for the full access to education for persons with disabilities.

Talakai added that there is a need to advocate and lobby for the ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) to ensure full accessibility.
She highlighted the absence of ramps, assistive technologies, sign language teachers, accessible transportation and buildings and budget allocation for persons with disabilities is depriving them from enjoying everyday life as normal.

Furthermore, Ms. Rosy Kissun of the Fiji Disabled Peoples Federation stressed the need to enforce current laws that protects the interest of persons with disabilities in Fiji.
She said that while the Employment Regulation Promulgation in Fiji ensures the inclusion of persons with disabilities in employment opportunities, the lack of enforcement by relevant enforcement agencies in implementing this law is proving to be a hindrance for persons with disabilities to obtain decent employment.

Kissun believes that the lack of knowledge that employers have on the accessible needs of persons with disabilities, the stigma that society have for persons with disabilities and the lack of enabling working environment often limits employment opportunities for persons with disabilities.

She stressed the need for DPO to work together with the government to review the building code and current legislations and policies on employment and education to ensure the inclusion of persons with disabilities and strengthen partnership and action towards a disability inclusive society.

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