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Manus MP Ronny Knight found guilty of misappropriation

Manus MP Ronny Knight found guilty of misappropriation
by the Leadership Tribunal.
PNG's Manus MP Ronny Knight has been found guilty of misappropriation today by the leadership tribunal. The tribunal members include Judge Salatiel Lenalia, magistrate Ignatius Kurei and Rosie Johnston handed down their decisions  stating that Mr Knight was found guilty of three of the five allegations leveled against him. 

The  allegations  against the MP are in relation to the misappropriating of  funds from the District Services Improvement Programs (DSIP) with the purchase of Manus district vessel MV Trader Star and the engagement of a consultation firm, Pokarop and Morton Company Limited in its purchase.

The vessel was purchased at a total cost of K2.5 million on an ‘as is where is’ basis and an additional K180, 670.30 was used to make alterations to the boat before it was shipped to Manus.

The date of deciding  his penalty submissions by the tribunal will be  heard later. 

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