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Oil Search Pacific Games Relay Departs East Sepik for Madang

The Oil Search Pacific Games Relay departed the Sepik on Tuesday with a drive around Angoram township with Tura and the baton.
The market was alive with thousands of people who are excited to catch sight of the baton and shake Tura’s hand.
The Relay then heads out of town for the four hour drive back to Wewak. Along the way we pass the Angoram Primary and High Schools where all the school children have come out to wave us by, chanting for Team PNG to go for gold.
At Gavien Primary School we run a short relay and the kids swarm us as we go by, all determined to get a touch of the baton.
Kasmin Primary School has spent hours getting ready for our arrival and the kids have made homemade flags with messages of encouragement for Team PNG.
From there we head through grasslands where former Binatang player Allan Brown runs the baton along the thin tracks across the hill ridges.
This brings the relay in East Sepik to an end. It has been an amazing adventure as we travelled across the province and down the Sepik to reach people in villages and towns well off the beaten track.
The Oil Search Pacific Games Relay has now covered 11,200 kilometres and been experienced by over 60,000 people.
The relay now has a travel and rest day and starts up again in Madang Province, followed by Eastern Highlands, Simbu and then Western Province.

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