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Atiyafa condemns Police and Defence actions

The Minister for Police Robert Atiyafa has condemned the actions of few member of the two disciplinary forces, Police & Defense regarding what transpired on Thursday at the Waigani Police Station in NCD.
Minister Atiyafa said that such actions between officers of the two forces cannot be allowed to continue as it depicts a bad picture on the general public and raises questions as to what type of training they get at their training colleges and barracks.
“This so called undisciplined actions by police and defence is totally unacceptable and as the Minister responsible for police i want to say that there is not place for officers who are acting in a bad manner and tarnishing the good name of the force,” said Minister Atiyafa.
“The government is putting a lot more money into our disciplinary forces because we expect them to be the law enforces and to uphold the constitution of this country, to protect and serve as per their mandate, not to attack each other and putting the lives of innocent civilians at risk,” he said.
Atiyafa also pointed out that those police officers involved in the confrontations with the defence for officers on Thursday 5th November will have to be investigated and give a full report as to why and how this terrible act transpired and he is calling on his good Commissioner to look into this issue immediately.
“Such actions from our law enforcers are unacceptable and i know my good police commissioner will see to it that those responsible must be dealt will accordingly.”

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