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PNG Prime Minister O'Neill raises grave concern for Small Pacific Islands Nations at UN Climate Change Summit

Papua New Guinea Prime Minister Peter O’Neill Raises Grave Concern for Small Pacific Island Nations - Calls for Legally Binding Outcomes from UN Climate Change Summit

The Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea, Peter O’Neill  said people of the Pacific islands who are threatened by climate change are running out of time for world leaders to develop workable solutions.
PM O’Neill said climate change solutions must be agreed by world leaders that are obtainable, meaningful and enforceable.
“The time for talk is passing the world by, we need workable solutions that will save lives and protect communities,” PM O’Neill said.
“It will not be good enough if countries walk away from the Paris talks without firm agreement being reached, particularly when we know there is momentum and goodwill to reach outcomes that will save lives and protect communities.
“Pacific island nations are being affected by climate change more than any other region.
“Papua New Guinea is the chair of the Pacific Islands Forum, so I am attending this UN climate change meeting on behalf of our nation and our forum of island countries.
“The effects of climate change are real and I will remind the global community, in particular the developed nations, that there is a moral obligation for us all to act.

“Our contribution to the global community is more crucial and necessary now.
“The effects of which are evident in Papua New Guinea and other Pacific Island states, including Papua New Guinea’s Carteret Islands, islands in Manus Province and the outer atolls in the coastal provinces covered by the rise in the sea level.
“Rural communities and their livelihoods are also lost to extreme weather such as droughts, frost and severe tropical storms.”
The Prime Minister arrived in Paris on 29 November and will attend the COP-21 Leaders Plenary on 30 November.

PM O’Neill is also scheduled to meet with President Obama as a follow-up to their meeting at the APEC Leaders’ Summit where the two discussed the grave concerns that are held for the survival of several Pacific islands nations.
Leaders from around the world are under pressure to deliver a strong action plan to address and combat climate change.

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