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Prime Minister O’Neill Highlights Opportunity for Entrepreneurs in the Highlands

Prime Minster O’Neill has called on people of the Highlands to use their natural business skills and take advantage of the opportunities the nation is presenting.PM O’Neill made the comments while traveling through a number of locations in Western Highlands Province last week and inspecting roads due for upgrade in the coming year.

“Our country is changing and there are more business opportunities open to our people now than at any time in our history,” the Prime Minister said at the end of his visit.
“The people of the Papua New Guinea Highlands are great entrepreneurs and they need to take advantage of opportunities that are before them.
“Even though there are challenges facing the global economy, Papua New Guinea is experiencing positive growth and this will continue.

“Global economic conditions will pick up and create more opportunities, so now is the time to start your business or expand an existing business, and take advantage of a growing economy."From the smallest village to the biggest towns and cities, now is your time to be even more involved in our economy. 
“These are the best times in our economic history and I hope everyone takes advantage of the opportunity that is before you.
”During the visit to Western Highlands Province, the Prime Minister opened the new Mount Hagen (Kagamuga) International Airport, broke ground on the new Kagamuga-Keltiga Four Lane Highway and drove the Kotna-Baiyer road where he addressed thousands of people in Kotna village.Upon arrival in Mount Hagen last Thursday the Prime Minister officially opened the new state of the art Mount Hagen (Kagamuga) International Airport terminal building. 

Built at a cost of K70 million, as part of the Government’s High Impact Infrastructure projects, the development is one of several airport upgrades taking place throughout the country.
“I am proud to be here today with you to officially open the new international airport terminal building which will serve not only the people of Mt Hagen but the Highlands region as a whole,” PM O’Neill said.“I would like to thank the landowners for their support, the contractor and workmen for building the terminal, the National Airports Corporation, the architects who designed the terminal building and the Asian Development Bank for financing the project.
“Your Government is working hard to expand airport facilities and infrastructure throughout the country in places that include Kokopo in East New Britain, Lae in the Morobe Province and this one now in Mt Hagen.
“This airport redevelopment is important not only for Mt Hagen city, but it is serving people right across the Highlands.

“This airport really is the pride of the Highlands.
“This airport terminal will continue to serve us all in the Highlands.
“I also announce today that the next stage is to extend and expand the runway of the Kagamuga international airport.

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