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PM O'Neill : We Expect More from our Law Enforcement Agencies

Prime Minister O’Neill has expressed his concern and disappointment at the behaviour of certain elements of the police and military in the past few days, that involved altercations in Boroko, Manu Autoport, 3-Mile and Korobosea .
“I express my sympathy to family members following death and injury," PM O'Neill said.
“We expect more from our law enforcement agencies than what we have seen on display.
“It is disappointing for the Government after we have invested so much in rebuilding and retraining our disciplined forces, that there are still a few amongst the ranks who would behave in such a manner.
“These are supposed to be disciplined officers and they behave in they manner we have seen.
“The leaders of our disciplined forces must take immediate action to deal with the incidents in recent days, and to also deal with the causes of disagreements.
“I also expect better structures to be established within our forces to ensure discipline and prevent these situations from occurring.
“This behaviour is unnecessary and it is totally unacceptable. 
“I also call on the police union to engage with your members and help preventing a reoccurrence.”
The Prime Minister said a full investigation will be undertaken and discipline within security agencies will be enforced.

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