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Nauru and Solomon Airlines join forces to link Northern Pacific

Nauru Airlines and Solomon Airlines have joined forces to promote new passenger and cargo links to the northern Pacific.

Effective 01 January 2016, Nauru Airlines northbound flights operating via Honiara every Friday will allow travellers seamless connections on ‘same plane’ services through to Nauru, Tarawa, Majuro, Kosrae, Pohnpei and Chuuk.

Southbound flights operational every Sunday will offer the same inter-island connections.

Nauru Airlines will operate a Boeing B747-300 aircraft on the new route.

Announcing the new flights in tandem with the appointment of Solomon Airlines as its new Honiara-based passenger and cargo sales agent, Nauru Airlines CEO, Geoffrey Bowmaker said the northern Pacific services offered immense benefit both from the perspective of passengers and cargo.

“Travellers around the north and central Pacific will benefit greatly by these new, direct links between the Solomon Islands, Nauru, Kiribati, the Marshall Islands and the Federated States of Micronesia,” Mr Bowmaker said.

Solomon Airlines General Manager Operations & Commercial, Gus Kraus said both Nauru Airlines and the country of Nauru had long been associated with the Solomon Islands in various forms and as natural neighbours.

“We have continued to develop our association via such mediums as aviation partnerships and in this case, via enhanced economic benefits which will see Nauru consumers buying goods from Honiara to send to Nauru on these flights as well as offering a new seamless air link for travellers,” Mr Kraus said.

Mr Kraus advised all passenger ticket and cargo enquiries are now being managed by Solomon Airlines Travel Centre in Hibiscus Street-Tongs Building, Honiara.

Source: Solomons Airlines

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