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South Pacific Tourism Exchange 2016 registrations open

The South Pacific Tourism Exchange 2016 (SPTE) registrations are now open.

The online registrations for tourism buyers and sellers has begun for the 20-21 May, 2016 exchange which has been confirmed to be held at Australia’s iconic Sea World Resort Convention Centre on the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

The South Pacific Tourism Organisation (SPTO) Chief Executive Ilisoni Vuidreketi said the SPTO is pleased to be able to host another regional tourism exchange at one of Australia’s most iconic adventure and fun attractions on the Gold Coast.

Vuidreketi said they have begun registrations early to enable buyers and sellers to register in ample time.

He said tour operators, wholesale buyers and travel agents from around the world are being invited to register for SPTE 2016, the South Pacific’s only regional tourism event.

“SPTE 2016 is the only regional tourism exchange where tourism sellers, accommodation providers, the private sector and hotels from the South Pacific will come together to do quality business with international buyers”, Vuidreketi stated.

“The ultimate goal of SPTE is to stimulate growth in tourism arrivals into our 17 Pacific Island member countries and we are confident that SPTE provides the platform and the impetus to achieving this.”

“We are also pleased to announce our partnership with the global media network TravMedia who will work with our SPTE team to enhance our online marketing presence and bring a richer online experience for our buyers and sellers.”

The SPTE 2016 is aptly organized a week after the Australian Tourism Exchange (ATE) 2016, which will allow buyers the opportunity to attend both events.

SPTE 2016 registration information is now available at www.sptexchange.org

The SPTO are offering hosted accommodation for all registered buyers at the Sea World Resort for the exchange.


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