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Damaru : We have always followed procedures

Investigations will now be allowed to proceed after the reopening of the National Fraud and Anti-Corruption Directorate.
And Director Matthew Damaru is one happy man as high profile cases that they have been working on can proceed and be completed as well as to assist the courts deliberate on matters before it.
However, Director Damaru said the conditions and procedures set by the Police Commissioner Gari Baki for officers to comply with especially in their reporting structure have not gone down well with Mr. Damaru.
“We have complied with all the standards and set guidelines for the Office of the National Fraud and Anti- Corruption Directorate during our investigations,” said Mr. Damaru.
However he has welcomed the state committee which will be set up to vet high profile cases before fraud officers can arrest and charge suspects. PNGFM / PNG Today

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