Police take control of University of Papua New Guinea

NCD Metropolitan Superintendent Benjamin Turi is also on location and says the Vice Chancellor Albert Mellam and the University Senate requested for police presence to be on campus to make ensure staff and other students who wish to return to class are not threatened or intimidated by others.
“We will not use force or touch any student, we will just be hanging around the campus to allow normal operation in campus without any threat or intimidation from those students that wish to continue boycott classes” he adds.
He said students can continue to boycott classes if they want to but they cannot stop other students who wish to return to classes or threaten them.
Meanwhile, director for public relation Mr Jim Robins said there were number incidents yesterday where students especially females were threatened and told not to attend classes and the staff also felt unsafe on campus and for that matter, the Senate has requested for police presence.
Meanwhile despite the heavy presence o police officers on campus, UPNG protesting students have continued to boycott classes and are now converging to the main forum area in BLACK to show their solidarity and unity in continuing their call for the PM to go on campus to pick up their 7 point petition.
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