PNG Business, Government urged to support Trukai Fun Run auction

The Lae Auction Event is on Wednesday 8th March at Lae Yacht Club, starting at 5:30pm, while the Port Moresby Auction Event will take place on Thursday, 9th March at the Royal Papua Yacht Club, starting 5:30pm.
Trukai Industries has called on all corporate, private and Government organisations, as well as individuals, to attend the auctions and buy shirts for local schools.
Like any athlete seeking a personal best, Trukai’s major objective for the 2017 auctions is simple: Sell 100,000 T-Shirts.
Inclusive of the auction shirt sales, more than 81,000 shirts were sold nationwide last year.
The prized item under the hammer is the 2017 version of the now famous Trukai Fun Run T-Shirt.
For successful bidders seeking exposure for their organisation, the 2017 design will enable them to place their brand on the front-centre-most section of the T-Shirts, which is premium advertising real estate given the popular shirts are commonly worn over many years.
This year Trukai will also be auctioning Cowboys jerseys signed by the entire team, and Hunters Jerseys also signed by the full squad.
Last year the Port Moresby auction saw 20, 000 shirts sold, raising K200, 000 to help fund Team PNG’s Olympic campaign. An additional auction Item in the form of a framed Cowboys Jersey raised K5,555.00.
In Lae 17,000 shirts were sold at auction.
At last week’s Trukai Fun Run launch, legendary Team PNG swimmer Ryan Pini said Team PNG’s participation at the Rio 2016 Olympics was made possible through the support of Trukai Industries and people buying Fun Run T-shirts.
“I would really like to appeal once again to the corporate community to put their hands up and bid for T-shirts at the auction for Team PNG and for schools,” Pini said.
Funds raised will help Team PNG compete at three major international events in 2017 including the Commonwealth Youth Games in Nassau, Bahamas (19th-23rd July), the Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan (15th-24th September) and the Pacific Mini Games in Port Vila, Vanuatu (2nd-14th December).
The auctions also give bidders from the public and private sectors the chance to lend financial support to local schools, who are able to earn additional income through the selling of donated T-Shirts to fund important school projects and buy vital equipment.
The top three bidders in the 2016 Trukai Fun Run Auctions were IBS, Global Construction and ITI in Port Moresby, and Traisa, Papindo and Eddies Saloon in Lae.
Trukai Industries has also called on local organisations across the country to partner with the PNGOC and Trukai to host the Fun Run event in their local towns.
Last year’s 16 participating centres include Port Moresby, Lae, Gusap, Milne Bay, Popondetta, Madang, Goroka, Mt. Hagen, Kokopo, Kimbe, Bialla, Kavieng, Lihir, Buka, Arawa and Buin.
Photo caption: The 2017 Trukai Fun Run T-Shirt has been designed specifically for organisations to display their brand logo prominently after bidding at auction.
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