West Sepik 2017 Election Results
Here are the progressive results for the West Sepik Province. Only the top five candidates's results are posted. These results are progressive and subjected to change any time. Check back again for updates.
WSP| Regional| Count # 390
1. Tony Wouwou (PNGP) - 12, 533
2. Amkat Mai (NA) - 10, 199
3. Simon Solo (PNC) - 8, 275
4. Greg Kapanambo (IND) - 7, 492
5. John Tekwie (THE) - 5, 448
WSP|Nuku| Count: Final Exl:
Joe Sungi (Incumbent MP) National Alliance 11, 112 Declared Winner
Andrew Kumbakor People’s National Congress 7, 8513
Emmanuel Waimou Nasam Melanesian Alliance Party 4,795
Adam Mensum Wangu PANGU 692
Matthew Suni PNG National Party 264
WSP|Vanimo Green| Count 19
1. Belden Namah (PNGP) - 4330 Declared Winner
2. Basil Adeg (IND) - 1374
3. Willie Obow (PNC) - 1363
4. Charles Osi (IND) - 1193
5. Tradey Warani (IND) - 944
WSP|Telefomin-Open |Count Final Exclusion
1. Solan Mirisim (PNC) - 7788 Declared Winner
2. Peter Iwei (THE) - 4175
3. Oswald Tumku (IND)- 3100
4. Dasim Kel (IND)- 2531
5. Terry Dap (IND)- 1905
WSP|Aitape-Lumi| Count:13 Exclusion
1. Patrick Pruaitch (NA)- 10, 752
2. Christopher Kati (IND)- 4, 339
3. Emmanuel Solwai Mambei (PPP)- 4, 312
4. John Awei Yemi (IND)- 4, 164
5. Samson Omgelen Kupu (PNGNP)- 3, 121
6. Zachary Miroi (IND)- 2, 494.
Total Allowable Papers 31, 519, Total Votes Distributed 7, 341, Exhausted Ballot Papers 1, 606, Total Ballot Papers Remaining In Count 31, 519 and Absolute Majority Required (50%+1) 15, 761.
WSP| Regional| Count # 390
1. Tony Wouwou (PNGP) - 12, 533
2. Amkat Mai (NA) - 10, 199
3. Simon Solo (PNC) - 8, 275
4. Greg Kapanambo (IND) - 7, 492
5. John Tekwie (THE) - 5, 448
WSP|Nuku| Count: Final Exl:
Joe Sungi (Incumbent MP) National Alliance 11, 112 Declared Winner
Andrew Kumbakor People’s National Congress 7, 8513
Emmanuel Waimou Nasam Melanesian Alliance Party 4,795
Adam Mensum Wangu PANGU 692
Matthew Suni PNG National Party 264
WSP|Vanimo Green| Count 19
1. Belden Namah (PNGP) - 4330 Declared Winner
2. Basil Adeg (IND) - 1374
3. Willie Obow (PNC) - 1363
4. Charles Osi (IND) - 1193
5. Tradey Warani (IND) - 944
WSP|Telefomin-Open |Count Final Exclusion
1. Solan Mirisim (PNC) - 7788 Declared Winner
2. Peter Iwei (THE) - 4175
3. Oswald Tumku (IND)- 3100
4. Dasim Kel (IND)- 2531
5. Terry Dap (IND)- 1905
WSP|Aitape-Lumi| Count:13 Exclusion
1. Patrick Pruaitch (NA)- 10, 752
2. Christopher Kati (IND)- 4, 339
3. Emmanuel Solwai Mambei (PPP)- 4, 312
4. John Awei Yemi (IND)- 4, 164
5. Samson Omgelen Kupu (PNGNP)- 3, 121
6. Zachary Miroi (IND)- 2, 494.
Total Allowable Papers 31, 519, Total Votes Distributed 7, 341, Exhausted Ballot Papers 1, 606, Total Ballot Papers Remaining In Count 31, 519 and Absolute Majority Required (50%+1) 15, 761.
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