PNG Govt to address issues affecting PNG Seasonal Workers to New Zealand

That is the word from the Minister for National Planning, Richard Maru after his recent four days trip along with the Trade Commerce Minister, to NZ.
From talks with his counterparts from the NZ Government, Maru said administratively, PNG is always late to organise passports for seasonal workers due to fees not paid sooner. Discipline wise, Papua New Guinean seasonal employees have a record of misbehaving, resulting in the reduction on workers compared to other pacific island countries.
PNG has about 30 to 40 seasonal workers compared to countries like Fiji and Vanuatu that have over a thousand working in NZ.
“This really has been a big setback for us, we wanted to go understand that and see how we can as National Planning, help,” said Minister Maru.
As such, the ministers will be taking up this matter with cabinet to come up with reforms to put in place, so to enable more young Papua New Guineans to work as season employees in NZ.
Picture: Minister for National Planning, Richard Maru/PNGFM/PNGToday
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