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Basil is new PNG Finance Minister

New PNG Finance Minister Sam Basil 
A new minister is being welcomed and a replacement named in a cabinet reshuffle swearing-in and announcement ceremony at the Government House at Konedobu on Wednesday.

PANGU Pati Leader, Sam Basil was elevated to take over the Finance portfolio left vacant with the resignation of Tari-Pori MP James Marape last week, while another PANGU member in Markham MP, Koni Iguan, is the only new face to the cabinet's line-up, replacing Mr Basil as Communications Minister.

Prime Minister O'Neill says the change was needed to fill in the void left by Mr Marape.

Mr Iguan is a second-term MP.

Mr O'Neill says PANGU is the second largest party in the coalition and it is appropriate Mr Basil is given the Finance portfolio.

Mr O'Neill also says his government remains stable.

Other appointments are Rigo MP Lekwa Gure taking over Mr Iguan as Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee, and Forest Minister and Kiriwina-Goodenough MP, Douglas Tomuriesa also taking over the role of Government Whip from Mr Marape. NBC/PNG Today

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PNG PM O'Neill balancing power in minor Cabinet reshuffle

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