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Pruaitch can Question Election of James Marape as PNG Prime Minister : High Court

Papua New Guinea  Supreme Court in Port Moresby has ruled that  Patrick Pruaitch has mandate as Leader of the Opposition to question the election of James Marape as prime minister of Papua New Guinea .

Mr Marape was elected by Parliament in late May.

Mr Pruaitch had filed a Special Supreme Court Reference, questioning if the election of Mr Marape was according to the laws and procedures of electing a prime minister.

He wants the high court to interpret Sections 50, 59, 108, 142 and 158 subsection 2 of the Constitution which relate to the election of the prime minister.

Yesterday, a full bench of the Supreme Court, comprising the Chief Justice, Sir Gibbs Salika, and Justices Elenas Batari and Oagile Dingake decided that Mr Pruaitch has the right to question the election.

Hearing of the case is now set for September 20.

NBC News / PNG Today

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