New PNG Chief Migration Officer Arrested, refused bail
The PNG government’s newly appointed Acting Chief Migration Officer Robert Barra Kennedy has been arrested and locked up at the Boroko Police station.
He charged for official corruption.

Mr Kennedy was arrested this afternoon a complaint was laid against him by the Tasion Group of Company.
Tasion Group Chief Operating Officer Ted Tasion told the media that their company laid an official complaint against Mr Kennedy for official corruption with the fraud squad yesterday.
According to police report, Mr Kennedy is alleged to have asked Tasion Group’s Chief Operating Officer Ted Tasion for a K5000 cash via a phone text message.
Police report further states that Mr Kennedy asked Mr Tasion for the money inorder to procure funds for payments for services rendered by the Tasion Group of Companies to the Imigration and Citizenship Authority.
Mr Tasion laid an official complaint with the fraud squad on Wednesday, which led to his arrest.
NCD Metropolitant Superintendent Perou Ndranou says police refused to grant Mr Kennedy bail, and he is now locked up at the Boroko Police cells and will apply for bail in court.
FM100 / PNG Today
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He charged for official corruption.

Mr Kennedy was arrested this afternoon a complaint was laid against him by the Tasion Group of Company.
Tasion Group Chief Operating Officer Ted Tasion told the media that their company laid an official complaint against Mr Kennedy for official corruption with the fraud squad yesterday.
According to police report, Mr Kennedy is alleged to have asked Tasion Group’s Chief Operating Officer Ted Tasion for a K5000 cash via a phone text message.
Police report further states that Mr Kennedy asked Mr Tasion for the money inorder to procure funds for payments for services rendered by the Tasion Group of Companies to the Imigration and Citizenship Authority.
Mr Tasion laid an official complaint with the fraud squad on Wednesday, which led to his arrest.
NCD Metropolitant Superintendent Perou Ndranou says police refused to grant Mr Kennedy bail, and he is now locked up at the Boroko Police cells and will apply for bail in court.
FM100 / PNG Today
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