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Controller Manning Removes and relaxes Certain SOE Restrictions

Flights restrictions into and out of Rabaul are lifted and the Port of Rabaul to be re-opened as a designated international shipping port.
Public transport is to be re-opened with operators to continue with hygiene measures of hand sanitizer, regular sanitizing of seats and social distancing of 25-seater PMV allowed upto 15 people and all other transport to 5 less than licensed. Taxis are permitted 2 passengers.
Flight approvals for travel within and between non restricted Provinces are to be maintained by the airline operators who will supply passenger details to the National Operations Center. Passengers are required to complete a domestic travel form. Flight approvals for Western and West Sepik provinces will be approved by the NOC.
The curfew within NCD, Central and Western Province will be amended to 10pm to 5am.
Restaurants will open with social distancing measures and hand sanitizer for patrons. Alcohol is permitted to be sold for consumption on the premises ONLY.
Places of worship for local services are permitted with hygiene protocols in place, including supplying hand sanitisers, sanitization of seats and social distancing of 1 meter. National and provincial religious gatherings or outreach programs, including conventions and crusades are not permitted.

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PNG Foreign Affairs Minister Pruaitch condemns O'Neill's Questioning of COVID-19 Funds

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