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PNG's Northern Governor Juffa prefers Marape Government

The Papua New Guinea Northern Province Governor Gary Juffa prefers Marape Government to finish the term . He says, he province  has seen huge assistance from the government in the rehabilitation of roads, education, health infrastructures in the last 12 months.

The governor says  the province has seen impact development projects implemented under the current Government of Prime Minister James Marape.

He said under previous governments they received little or no recognition in terms of development and rehabilitation of the different sectors in the province.

Mr. Juffa made these remarks to appreciate the current government's assistance to develop all provinces equally in the last 18 months.

In a social media update to his people in Northern province, Governor Juffa expresses gratitude to the government of James Marape.

He said Northern Province has seen tangible development in different sectors through the attention given by the current government.

The law and order sector also received similar support for the improvement of the sector in the province.

Governor Juffa thanked prime minister Marape for equally distributing the resources and wealth of the country to all provinces including Northern Province which has missed out a lot in the past two decades. 

NBC News/PNG Today

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