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PNG to participate in the World Expo 2021 in Dubai

The Department of Information and Communication Technology is among PNG’s  National Coordination Team, led by the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade,  that is  preparing for  the country’s participation at the  World Expo 2021  in Dubai.

The  World Expo 2021, with the theme, “Connecting Minds, Creating the Future” will be held between October 1, 2021 and 31 March 2022, in Dubai, Untied Arab Emirates.

The Department of ICT will take lead  in  telling the PNG story electronically, whilst  sharing details of Papua New Guinea’s participation, including its elements of the strategy and the pavilion design, and  contents  for public consumption to be  accessible on various ,media platforms.

In partnership with the Tourism Promotion Authority ,PNG’s story will be told through a 3D participative platform at the PNG Pavilion in Dubai which will be made available to visitors.

Papua New Guinea’s participation in Expo2021 was approved by the National Executive Council upon invitation from the Ruler of Dubai and Deputy Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum.

NEC also appointed Papua New Guinea’s Ambassador to Belgium and the European Union, His Excellency Mr. Joshua Kalinoe as Commissioner General  of the  Dubai Expo 2021.

His Excellency Ambassador Kalinoe said the Opening Ceremony is set for October 1st and all participating countries will be ready for opening their pavilions by then.

The PNG private sector is represented by the PNG Manufacturers Council in the national coordination structure. 

The Council will be provided a space at the PNG Pavilion in Dubai to coordinate activities of the private sector, including having representation at the different pavilion and Exposition thematic events organized throughout the six months period.

The host, Dubai, one of the Emirates of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has decided to make Expo2020 different from other past events. The focus is on partnership and development, sharing ideas, technology and innovation by bringing countries together in a globalizing world.

Papua New Guinea’s pavilion is in the Sustainable thematic area of the Expo village and construction has been completed as well as the Interior designs. The Dubai Exposition Committee will also pay for the running of the pavilion, including maintenance and utility cost.

Papua New Guinea and the UAE formerly established diplomatic representation in 2018.

 Papua New Guinea’s Embassy in Brussels is accredited to the UAE while the UAE Embassy in Singapore is accredited to Papua New Guinea.

Apart from showcasing PNG’s vast natural resources, diversified culture, and the unique flora and fauna, the PNG Expo2020 story will include the promotion and exposure of products from SMEs and the cottage industry, including artifacts, crafts, spices, coconut by-products and jewelry.

Mr Kalinoe  said Expo2020 is a major international event that will bring   over 190 countries together, both  large and small. 

PNG has a unique and exciting story to tell about its natural resource endowment, products, human capital, SME and cottage industry connectivity in the age of e-commerce.  

Ambassador Kalinoe said the return on this investment in respect of stimulating domestic economic growth in the medium to long term is immeasurable.

“I am confident that the PNG Expo2021 team will bring several multi-million Kina investment projects and find more partners for trade, especially for our SMEs, cottage industry participants and the agriculture sector.

“Cross-border trade in products and services at all sectors of the economy is the major catalyst for creating lasting economic growth and it’s about time bureaucrats in Treasury and the PNG public service generally at the top management level realize this fact and facilitate its growth.

“I am baffled to understand why the senior bureaucrats are so inward looking and do not see the opportunities in the international environment and think smart to capture these opportunities. And that means spending money to make money”, Ambassador Kalinoe said.

Meanwhile,  shipment of Papua New Guineas’ artefacts and products are all set to leave  for Dubai  at the end of  this month.

Next : Namah calls on PNG PM Marape to resign over UBS Loan saga

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