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UBS Commission of Inquiry Begins final Hearing this week

 The Commission of Inquiry into the Union Bank of Switzerland loan finally begins its final phase of hearing since its establishment in early 2019.

Chairman of the Commission, Sir Salamo Injia, says the next three weeks will be intensive as the Commission begins its final public hearing for all witnesses.

Notable figures scheduled to appear before the commission over the next 21-days include former Prime Minister, Peter O’Neill and Prime Minister, James Marape.

The day 33 into the public hearing of the C-O-I into the U-B-S loan commenced this week and runs for the next three weeks. 

Physically present in the Chambers on Monday for the first final hearing also included Commissioner Margret White who flew in from Australia.

Chief Commissioner Sir Salamo Injia said Commissioner White’s presence during the next three weeks will greatly assist to speed up the hearing.

Commissioner Margret White said she looks forward to the public hearings and report compilation.

Counsel assisting the commission, Dr James Renwick further highlighted the course to be taken over the next two weeks.

Dr Renwick said the Commission is appealing to all state organizations and entities to cooperate fully with the Commission over the next two weeks as it is a crucial time of the final public hearing of evidence into the UBS transaction.  

The Counsel assisting the commission will make its final submission on the 13th of August 2021 followed by a two-week response time for witnesses before the final report is delivered on the 30th of September 2021.

NBC News / PNG Today 

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