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Port Moresby Hospital slams Misleading reporting

 The Port Moresby General Hospital has slammed the Post Courier Newspaper for misleading reporting.

The hospital released the following statement and demanded the newspaper retract the reporting. 


Post Courier never stops misreporting; the headline "No panadol" does not match the content of the report. 

PMGH is a specialist referral  hospital  under the National Health Plan. Its role is to provide specialized health care. The Government has significantly funded the Cardiac, Cancer and kidney programs undertaken at PMGH.

Besides trying to provide speciaised services in Cardiac, Cancer, Kidney and other specialized care, PMGH continues to provide Primary and Secondary care because NCDPHA and Central PHA have yet to establish a designated level 5 Hospital. The Government has committed funding to build a level 5 Hospitals for NCDPHA and Central PHA.

The Government has provided funding to PMGH in the 2023 budget  to purchases basic drugs not supplied by AMS. We work  hard in a challenging environment  to ensure basic drugs are availability at all times to inpatients as well as specialised drugs for specialised services.

PMGH pharmacy  is the ONLY public pharmacy in the city and  processes 500 prescriptions per day.

PMGH cannot meet the demand of the increasing city's population.

NCHPHA and Central PHA need a level 5 Hospital to take the load off PMGH.

Port Courier must retract this headline and report on major investment the Government has undertaken to improve the health of our people.


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