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PNG NRL Bid Development Progresses

Head of Elit player development of the PNG NRL bid Joe Grima said the PNG NRL BID youth academy development program is currently in week 6.

He said with the players love for rugby league, it has helped them to learn and understand the code fast and effectively.

‘Since that time, we’ve identified 35 under 14-year-olds and 35 under 16’s, out of 27 schools in NCD, we have progressed well finishing week six last week with the players learning and developing the technical and tactical skills set to develop as a professional rugby player’ Said Grima.

After 6 weeks of training and learning both physical and mental the players have developed a critical sense of understanding the code in itself. 

Grima said the BID not only has training plans for the development of Rugby league in PNG but has also developed a framework on how to nurture and develop young talent through to the big stage.

According to Grima, the NRL BID Academy squad have just three weeks left before the completion of the BID training and mentoring where the players will now return to their local and school clubs in preparations for the finals play-off in their different competitions.

“They go back to their schools and community competitions because they will be having their finals playoffs around next month heading into October” Grima Said.

Grim said the program will recommence in November allowing the academy team to also prepare for the PM’s 13 and the pacific Test.

The PNG NRL Bid 2025 launched its new elite player Junior Academy program on the 17th of July ran training for the under 14-16 age group at the Sir John Guise outdoor sports complex for the past 7 weeks.

Meanwhile Grima said the program will also be conducted in other provinces with Hagen being the second on the list.

Kalang News / PNG Today

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