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High-Profile Governors meet to Strategize on Papua New Guinea's future

 Amidst unfolding events in Papua New Guinea, notable figures and vocal governors, Powes Parkop, Sir Peter Ipatas, Gary Juffa, and Allan Bird, are actively involved in deliberations to navigate the nation's future during a time of crisis. Each governor has issued statements, providing their unique perspectives on the prevailing situation.

Governor Bird has characterized the ongoing circumstances as a dark day for PNG, emphasizing the severity of the situation. Governor Allan Bird, aligning with the collective sentiment of his counterparts, stated, "We have our beloved country and your future at heart." As these influential figures continue their discussions, citizens are eagerly anticipating updates on the decisions and strategies that will shape the future trajectory of Papua New Guinea.

Taking a proactive approach, Governor Juffa has released a video statement, urging Papua New Guineans to stand up for their country. In the video, he cautions against indiscriminate praise of Members of Parliament, asserting that support should be based on their actual performances and efforts.

Expressing his dissatisfaction, Governor Juffa questions the Marape Government's decision to award a K70 million education contract to a Malaysian company, also responsible for distributing medical drugs in PNG. He highlights the recurrent issue of opportunities for Papua New Guineans being outsourced and advocates for the inclusion of local companies to prevent marginalization in their own land.

Governor Juffa passionately calls for citizens to assert their rights, stating, "We need to rise and fight for our rights." In his visual communication, he provides insights into his perspective on unfolding events and outlines potential actions. Viewers are encouraged to watch the full video for a comprehensive understanding of Governor Juffa's stance. Stay tuned for more developments as the situation in Papua New Guinea continues to evolve.

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