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Do your best where you are stationed: Marape

Hello all my friends, firstly I thankyou all for still having me as your fb friend despite my lack of responses to all your words, I hope you all understand my lack of time to respond to all of yous at times, but I just thought I run these few lines,

As we face 2013, let me assure all in png that those of us leading will do our best, with our biggest budget with a big deficit aspect for next year, we will tighten our expenditure control mechanism, and this time next year if 100 km of highlands highway first stage including around 20 km out of grooms and Hagen both sides double lane, if 60 kms out of lae as double lane, if roads are improved in pom and lae, if Pom gen hospital is totally redone, if free education up to year 10 and subsidiary upper schools including uni continues, This will be some performance measurement indicators of your government. We like wise are giving all districts and provinces money for development hence no district and province will not complain for lack of money, I will be establishing proper guidelines for maximum result.

As people you expect us to work of which we will try to do our best, and I ask from all of yous to do the best you can in where you are station in png,

If you are student study hard, if you are a worker work honest and faithfully, if you are contractor, honor your contracts values, if you are simple png women men or youth, don't lose hope, our country will grow on our future looks good, but will require the goodness of all of us to make it look good.

Amongst many we can request ourselves, I request us all not to litter, spat buai stains, grafities and a lot of respect and smile to our mothers daughters wife children and our visitors and our selves. When we all do our little best in our stations of life can png make that leap.

As png LNG and other resources come on board in 2015 and beyond, our economic growth will be unprecedented here and elsewhere, we must match that with our own character developments of kindness friendship and hard work ethics.

When we put in our efforts God will match with his abundance blessings and blessings of png will be ours and our children's.

God bless you all and where ever you are reading this, may the desires of your heart's needs be met. The Goodness of God has been mine and I pray it is yours too, when the going gets tough, get your tougher God to lift you up. Try Him it works, as I'm a testament. May 2013 be yours.

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