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Sir Julius Chan. Iamge. URNE

Governor for New Ireland and senior statesman, Sir Julius Chan has acknowledged the Prime Minister Peter O'Neill for taking a noble move to repeal the section of the Prime Minister and National Executive Council Act 2002. 

Parliament on Wednesday unanimously voted to repeal section 6A of the Prime Minister and NEC Act to allow citizens of 73 years and above to hold the position of the prime minister.

Sir Julius says the repeal removes all doubts on the operational of the Act, which was also questionable in its context both legally and constitutionally.

"It's really a great act of the prime minister to repeal this Act.

"It was done at that time a year ago when it, you know, the country was not moving and it was also still under constitutional challenge and in my view, some parts of it are illegal and unConstitutional.

"But for someone like Peter O'Neil who has got the mandate to come and correct this law, isin fact noble.

"So we have actually removed all doubt on the right of every elected person under the constitution to stand for elected office," Sir Julius said.

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