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Kulunga condemns Hagen human burning

PNG Police Commision Tom Kulunga. Photo: Post Courier
Condemnation is pouring in over the burning alive of a young mother in Mt Hagen, Western Highlands, on Wednesday.

Twenty-year-old Kepari Leniata, mother of an eight month old daughter, was accused of killing through sorcery and burnt alive, in front of a crowd in Mt Hagen.

Police Commissioner, Tom Kulunga, has described this as shocking and devilish, saying police will arrest and prosecute the murderers.

Mr Kulunga has renewed calls for an holistic approach to put an end to sorcery-related killings.

Mr Kulunga says Churches, NGOs, and relevant government departments need to address this issue to end it, if not minimise further killings.

He says, one way is for a special court to be set up to deal with sorcery related cases.

He also suggested raising awareness in provinces where such killings are widespread, to deal with the issue.

Meantime, the United States Embassy has added its voice, in strongly condemning the brutal killing, saying there is no possible justification for this sort of violence.

It says this incident again highlights the need for comprehensive action to address gender-based violence.

The US called for the creation and enforcement of anti-gender based violence laws, enhancement of prevention and response efforts, and reduction of stigma and harmful practices.

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