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Arizona man arrested after setting home on fire to kill demons

Adam Glenn Hamilton. Photo. jewishnews
By: Debbie Gross 
A man was arrested and charged with arson related charges after he set his home on fire in order to get rid of demons, according to police reports in Arizona.

Avondale Police said that they arrested a man Monday afternoon, who allegedly started a fire in his bedroom closet while his roommates were at home.

Adam Glenn Hamilton, 30, was walking around his house, near 120th Avenue and Tonto Street in Avondale while reciting Bible verses before starting a fire in his bedroom closet with paint thinner, according to police documents.

Two of Hamilton's three companions were home when the fire was lit. He told police he was goi
ng to tell them about the fire, but forgot, according to the arrest report.

Hamilton ran away from the scene barefoot, but was found in the area with the lighter and severe burns to his feet. He was taken to a hospital in Goodyear, where he was arrested on Monday. He was also involuntarily transferred to a mental health center, police said. 

He faces two counts of endangering and one count of arson.


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