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PNG Opposition Leader Belden Namah. Getty Images
Opposition Leader, Belden Namah, is seeking orders for the court to allow his lawyer access into the Manus Island asylum processing centre.

Mr Namah's lawyer, Loani Henao, filed an application before the Supreme Court today seeking approval to visit the site due to claims of serious human rights abuses.

This came to light as a result of an email from an Afghan refugee, Rawed Reza, who has been at the Manus processing centre since January 4, describing the type of treatment received there.

Mr Henao told the court this was very serious and needs to be addressed urgently.

He says if granted the order he will travel to Manus to assess the detention centre get statements from the concerned individual and others. 

However, the respondents through lawyer Peter Kuman said they weren't ready to argue the case as the application was only served yesterday. 

Justice Kassman after considering lengthy debate from both sides adjourned the case to September 10th including other related matters.

Justice Kassman also ordered the four respondents; Foreign Affairs Minister Rimbink Pato, the National Executive Council, Prime Minister Peter O'Neill and the State, to give statement of response within seven days.

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