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PNG Opposition leader Belden Namah
The Task Force Sweep Team has been described as an illegal and unconstitutional body, operating in the country, which is not serving its intended purpose.

Opposition Leader and Vanimo Green M-P, Belden Namah said  last night, when commenting on the orders by the Police Commissioner to restrict all investigations only to the T-F-S Team.

Mr. Namah says, the only body that is recognized and mandated by the Constitution under Section 197 to make arrests and investigations, is the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary.

He adds, Sam Koim as the T-F-S Chairman, is a civilian and cannot be giving orders to uniformed personnel like policemen and women, because that is already illegal and against their constitutional duties.

Mr. Namah further explains, that there are two separate complaints being registered with police, with one coming from someone within the Prime Minister's Office against Paul Paraka, and the second, from himself against Prime Minister Peter O'Neill, his Finance Minister, James Marape and Treasurer, Don Polye.

He says, the first complaint was given to the T-F-S Team to investigate, while his was given to the Police Commissioner for the Fraud Squad to probe, which he says, is the only legitimate body.

The Opposition Leader states, that for the investigations to be impartial, they must be left with police and not the T-F-S, that's been set up by Cabinet, whose Chairman is the Prime Minister.

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