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The ignorance of city authorities advice to use the overhead bridge at Boroko resulted in a death last Friday.  A man in his early thirties died after attempting to cross the road with his son. The man was hit by a speeding vehicle, resulting in loss of blood and instant death.The same location has seen four deaths in the past five years.

The deceased was attempting to cross the road to the Boroko Tabari bus stop when an unknown vehicle ran him down.

An eyewitness said the man’s son was lucky enough to be alive and uninjured.

A bystander filmed as the Accident and Emergency staff from the St John’s Hospital arrived moments later to transport the body of the deceased to the Port Moresby General Hospital.

The person’s face was disfigured by the force and speed of the vehicle upon contact.

Meanwhile, city authorities have asked the public to use the overhead bridge. However, most fear bag snatchers and petty crimes of youths.

The registration plate number for the vehicle responsible for the death has been reported to the Boroko Police station for investigation.

The public is again reminded to use the overhead bridge and not to risk their lives by crossing elsewhere along this busy stretch of road.

PNG Today / EMTV

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