PNG don't be fooled by those claimed to be Messiahs

2. Mr. Kerenga Kua to say it
public as the former AG as to whether the payment to Paraka was excessive. If
the payment of 71.8 million kina for more than maybe 10000 State files / cases
handled by Paraka Lawyers for about four to five years was excessive then Mr.
Kua should tell PNG how much he paid his law firm for the representation of Sir
Michael Somare for the 2011 - 2012 Political Impasse case (only one case) for
acting for the government for only three or four months. He should disclose how
much his firm was paid and ordinary PNGans can compare and contrast his law
firm's bill and Paraka's bills.

3. Mr. Sam Koim should be
investigated on how he used the 30 plus million Kina tax payer's money
allocated for the ITFS. For him to be MR. CLEAN there must be no invoices paid
to his wantoks or relatives for office rental or hire cars because that is
corruption so how can he be Mr. Clean. If you have any properties in PNG or
Overseas that you did not have prior you being the Chairman of ITFS you must
explain to the people of PNG how you acquired them to clear any doubts.
Only after Messiah Polye, Kua and
Koim had satisfactory answered the questions above the people of PNG can give
them full support to demand the resignation of the PM. Otherwise I am advising
ordinary PNGan not to be fooled by these big boys who pretend to talk for PNG
but in actual fact they are fighting for their individual integrity and life
while hiding behind the curtain of fighting for PNG's best interest..
By Humogo
Why we Papua New Guineans become
very emotional and easily touched by certain politicians or bureaucrats who
come out and say sweet things which they ought to have said when they were in
the government. For example Don Polye and Kerenga Kua were in the very
government that is captained by Peter O'Neil now and they were part of the
executive government that made some of the decisions that were not good for PNG
, If they had genuinely thought for PNG they would have resigned and go against
those things publicly. Their information and finger pointing only after they
have been sacked is doubtful and its suspicious that they might be fighting for
their own individual interest and not for PNG.
The payment of 71.8 million Kina
to Paraka is before the court to determined whether that costing was done
properly so we should not jump the gun quickly and say the payment is illegal,
Only the Courts have the power to determine that and we all can not become the
Judges and Juries on the street,
Polye, Kua and Koim claim
to be the Messiah of this country and are in the media limelight over the past few days. It is public perception
that these three gentleman are all MR. CLEAN, MR. PERFECT, MR. FIX IT ALL, MR.
SAVIOR,etc. However my challenge to these three gentlemen are;
1. Mr. Don Polye to come public
and say that he was not part of the network to pay Paraka Lawyers. If he
thought the payment was illegal why didn't he advise the PM or resign then if
PM did not listen to him?

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