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PNG Government accuses Koim of undermining National Interest

Sam Koim accused of undermining National Interest.
The former Head of Task Force Sweep is in Australia actively trying to undermine our national interest, Prime Minister Peter O’Neill said today. The Prime Minister said it is now very clear Koim is actively trying to be involved in the political life of the nation.

“Any pretence of Mr Koim being independent has evaporated - he is playing politics – and undermining our nation, and our people,” Mr O’Neill said after Koim flew to Australia and went on the media urging the Australian Government to cut aid to PNG.

“He is blatantly trying to get the Australian Government to suspend the billion kina plus development assistance program with Papua New Guinea and that means he wants a stop to health and education programs, the redevelopment of Lae Hospital, major community works on Manus, and other projects that benefits the people of the nation.

“He does not care what damage his actions will cause to our people. “And it is disgraceful that he is trying to get Australian politicians to interfere in issues that are the business of Papua New Guinea, its parliament, its legal system and its people.

“His media comments have been reckless, wrong, and damaging to the national interest in the worst possible way.” Koim’s behaviour could be contrary to his employment condition as a public servant in the Department of Justice and Attorney General.
PNG Today / Post Courier

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