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UPNG Students clash over protest issue

The University of Papua New Guinea is in lockdown after clashes between students who want to protest and those who oppose it. However the city police were quick to intervene and prevented further clashes and even damages to the campus properties.
The Police fired shots and gas to quell the situation. The students threw stones and sticks at each other. The students have now returned to the Forum square after gathering at the Uni gate.
This morning the students took to the polls to vote whether they will protest or not. The students actions comes after the political turmoil which has gripped the capital city over the warrant of arrest of the Prime Minister.
The students have decided to voice their concerns and have demanded the Prime Minister to step down. And it was this morning where a vote was taken to decide whether they should protest or not. It is believed only about 400 voted out from the 5000 plus students.

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