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PNG - Japan business to boom

A PNG investment seminar held in Tokyo last week received an overwhelming response from local businesses.

The Pacific Islands Centre, the Japan-based office of the Pacific Islands Trade & Invest network, said more than 100 business people participated in the event. The PNG Ambassador to Japan, Gabriel Dusava, said Japan is bound to become PNG's number-one trading partner by 2015.

The managing director of the Investment Promotion Authority, Ivan Pomaleu, says the investment landscape for Papua New Guinea is ready for Japanese interest and consideration.

A PNG Investment Guide, in Japanese, was launched to further drive investment from Japan into PNG. Information on the country's tax system and incentives for Japanese businesses and investors were presented at the seminar.

The Pacifc Island Centre's Director, Kazuyoshi Ogawa, is to visit PNG this month to facilitate a Business Mission from Japan with 55 members, taking part in Japan Prime Minister Abe's official visit to Papua New Guinea.

Radio New Zealand 

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